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A dark green filled outline of the general area where the Acadian ethnicity developed.
Acadia | By froggygolem.
 The Acadian flag inside a speech bubble
Acadian French | By froggygolem.
 a yellow fist punching down at a blob with various human skin tones. A red X is between the fist and the blob, and a red arrow points to the X.
anti-racist | By Esran.
A drawing od a simplistic red person. The person has a Magen David on their chest and a speech bubble next to them. The speech bubble has a rough simple map of Israel in it. There are arrows inside to speech bubble pointing inside of Israel and a large red X over the map of Israel and arrows
Antizionist Jew | By Ani.
A drawing of Israel on one side of a not equal sign and a Magen David on the other side. The Magen David has a large red ‘X’ over it and the drawing of Israel has arrows pointing inside of Israel with a large red ‘X’ over it.
antizionism is not antisemitism | By Ani.
 A drawing of a yellow ribbon on the ribbon is grey text that says "Bring Them Home" and "7th Oct"
Bring Them Home (Variant) | By Ani.
the edge of a landmass, with red dots outside of it. the landmass is green in the centre but red at the edges, and a big yellow arrow shows that the red is moving forward into the green areas.
colonization | By M.
A drawing of a plain yellow person from the shoulders up, smiling with their mouth open and gesturing with their hand. They're speaking a speech bubble that shows four green circles, three in an open group and the fourth outside of it with an arrow pointing from it towards the entrance of the group.
inclusionist | By Petri.
 A drawing of a hijabi with a nasal tube from the shoulders up, smiling with their mouth open and gesturing with their hand. They're speaking a speech bubble that shows four green circles, three in an open group and the fourth outside of it with an arrow pointing from it towards the entrance of the group.
inclusionist | By Petri.
the symbol for the international criminal court. the symbol is dark blue, and it is a pair of scales in a pair of olive branches.
International Criminal Court | By M.
A drawing of a speech bubble with an Israeli flag inside of it. Over the speech bubble is a large red x.
Do not talk about Israel to me. |By Ani.
A pink feminism symbol, the Venus sign combined with an upraised fist. the circle of the venus symbol interlocks with two ither circles. one is dark brown, representing people of color, and the other is colored with the disability pride flag, representing disabled people.
imtersectional feminism | By M.
A drawing of a speech bubble and inside of the speech bubble is a rouch outline of Israel. There are small arrows pointing inside of Israel
I am a Zionist. | By Ani.
A drawing of Ireland It is colored purple
Ireland | By Ani.
a flag with nine stripes alternating between green, red, and yellow. There’s a green shield in the center, with two paddles and a puela insignia in yellow.
Kānaka maoli Hawai'i | By Rae.
 two emoji yellow hands holding piles of dirt, with dirt falling from the first hand to the second, which is wearing an orange wristband.
land back | By Petri.
the Métis flag, a blue flag with a white infinity symbol on it.
Métis | By Petri.
an emoji yellow person looking at a list.
obligation | By M.
 A drawing of the Palestinian flag and the Israeli flag. In between the is a plus sign and each flag has a number on it. The Palestinian flag has a 1 on it and the Israeli flag has a 2 on it.
two state solution | By Rae and Ani.
Two rough outlines of Israel on each sides of an equal sign. On the left side the outline of Israel has arrows pointing from the outside towards the inside of Israel and on the right side the outline od Israel has a large green checkmark on it
Zionism means supporting Israel | By Ani.
The Acadian flag over a dark green filled outline of the general area of Acadie/Acadia.
Acadian | By froggygolem.
a yellow cat like creature with a red 'MAGA' has, they look disgruntled and have a spiky speech bubble on the left with a Confederate flag on the inside. above them there is a red arrow pointing to the right.
Alt-Right | By Vixen.
 A drawing of Israel with arrows pointing inside of it and a large red ‘X’ over it and a Magen David with a large red ‘X’ over it. There is an equal sign in between the two drawings
antizionism is antisemitism | By Ani.
a missile with a red cancel symbol over it.
ceasefire | By Kit.
A drawing of a speech bubble with two things inside of it. On the left of the speech bubble is a simplistic drawing of Israel with arrows point inside of it. On the right side is a large blue speech bubble.
Are you a Zionist? | By Ani.
the edge of a landmass, with red dots outside of it. the landmass is green in the centre but red at the edges, and a big yellow arrow shows that the red is moving back out away from the green areas.
decolonization | By M.
The United Nations logo above a raised grey fist and the international disability sfymbol.
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities | By M.
A drawing of a speech bubble wih the Palestinian flag in it. Over the speech bubble is a large red X.
Do not talk about Palestine with me | By Ani.
 A brown bowl with a stylised stalk of wheat above it.
food security | By M.
the international symbol for human rights, which is a bue glyph that looks like both a free bird and a hand, outlined in black.
human rights | By M.
 A drawing of the flag of Israel outlined in black.
Israeli flag | By Ani.
the logo of the Lemkin Institude, several pale blue leaf outlines.
Lemkin Institute | By M.
A grey fist raised in protest.
rights | By M.
 the flag of Palestine, drawn with thick black outlines.
Palestinian flag | By Rae.
a thick, dark grey border line with silver 'x's like barbed wire on top, separating a red rectangle and blue circle.
segregated | By M.
a group of peach colored dots and a group of brown colored dots, separated by a thick black line.
segregation | By Rae.
 a drawing of a golden scale, which is unequal. there are two arrows around it going in a circular motion.
systemic inequality | By Petri.
 a drawing of a golden scale, which is unequal. there are two arrows around it going in a circular motion. everything is outlined in white
systemic inequality | By Petri.
a simple red figure holds a crown over their head
tyrant | By M.
 a white, blue, and red flag with a shield insignia on it. The shield has a white cross shape with two horizontal bars instead of one. .
Slovakian flag | By Rae.
 Two rough outlines of Israel on each side of a does not equal sign. On the left side is a rough outline with arrows pointing inside of Israel to reoresent Zionism and on the right side is a rough outline wiht a green checkmark on it.
Zionism Does Not Mean Supporting Israel | By Ani.
A flag with blue white and red vertical stripes left to right and the yellow stella maris five pointed star on the top of the blue stripe.
Acadian flag | By froggygolem.
A red anarchist symbol with black outline, drawn a little messily like somebody has painted it
anarchist | By M.
a yellow fist punching down at a blob with various human skin tones. The fist is crossed out with a red X.
anti-racism | By Esran.
An approximate map of the state of Israel with a bunch of arrows pointing inside of it and a red X over the whole thing. The arrows all originate from outside of Israel.
anti-Zionism | By Ani.
 A drawing of a yellow ribbon on the ribbon is grey text that reads "Bring them home"
Bring Them Home. | By Ani.
a missile with a red cancel symbol over it. there is a clock above it, with a blue arrow pointing to the clock.
ceasefire now | By Kit.
an emoji yellow person standing on ground that’s split into red and green. They stand on the green side, and have planted a red flag into the ground. A red arrow points to them.
colonial | By Esrah.
A drawing of a speech bubble with two things inside of it. In the speech bubble on the left is a rough outline of Israel and on the right is a large blue question mark. On top of the whole image is a large red X.
Do not ask if I am a Zionist | By Ani.
A drawing of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Ireland is colored purple and Northern Ireland is colored blue
Ireland | By Ani.
A drawing of a speech bubble with both the Israeli flag in it as well as the Palestinian flag. Over the speech bubble is a large red X.
Do not talk to me about Palestine and Israel | By Ani.
A drawing of a speech bubble inside of the speech bubble is a rough outline of Israel with arrows pointing inside of it. There is a large red X over the speech bubble
I am an Antizionist | By Ani.
a yellow cat like creature with floppy ears, they look disgruntled and have a spiky speech bubble on the left with a progress pride flag on the inside. above them there is a blue arrow pointing to the left.
leftist / "woke" | By Vixen.
The flag of Nepal. It is shaped like two triangles, one on top of the other. It is red with a blue outline, and in each triangle part is a white symbol.
Nepalese flag | By M.
The human rights symbol, a blue handprint shaped like a dove, with a checklist. the checklist has two green boxes, one red box, and is in a crossed-out red circle.
rights aren't conditional | By M.
The United Nations emblem.
United Nations | By M and Petri.
 A drawing of the Soviet Union flag just below and off to the right is a green checkmark. There is also a large black X over the flag and checkmark.
The Soviet Union Was Not Good | By Ani.
The Welsh dragon, a heraldic red Western dragon facing the left
Welsh dragon / Y Ddraig Goch | By M.
a dark skinned figure on the left, there’s 3 circles of light skin tones to the right of the persons head, there’s an arrow coming from the circles and pointing to the person in a light color, there’s a splatter of the pinky light skin toned color on the person
whitewashing | By Koda.
An approximate map of the state of Israel with a bunch of arrows pointing inside of it. The arrows originate from different spots outside of Israel.
Zionism | By Ani.
A drawing of a red person with a black Magen David on their chest. The person has a speech bubble next to them and inside of the speech bubble is a rough outline of Israel with arrows pointing inside of it.
Zionist Jew | By Ani.
